I have been contemplating for a long time now that, time is whizzing past and before long I would be kicking the bucket. With this latent fear as the root of its genesis, the blog was started on a whim. And now that it is really virtual I can safely strike it off my bucket list.
Had started by pondering over what shape this blog will take, it’s purpose and audience, how my food blog will be different from thousands of others etc. before the futility of this exercise dawned on me. After all what was the blog to me? A place to play, experiment, share, but most importantly enjoy myself. As a consultant working on environment and health issues, my creativity has been stymied by deadlines. In contrary this blog seems like an exciting endless journey where I can time travel back and edit posts, think of future write-ups and eventually see them culminating or withering.
Food connects us and my fondest memories are mostly around food. A stranger became my closest friend over a meal shared at Ruby Tuesday at Bangalore. Harmless gossip, intimate discussions, silent introspection, thinking loud and eureka moments all happens around food. So join me in the journey and lets see whether small initiative like this blog has unpredictable results or in other words whether chaos reigns?